Why Not Join the WTFDA!
Why DX alone when you can enjoy DXing FM or TV with others? Why not join the WTFDA for just $10USD. This is a one-time joining fee and you will never pay renewal dues again. It’s practically FREE!
Here’s what we offer you:
The WTFDA FM Database, updated daily by WTFDA members.
The WTFDA Forums. Upload your files or report your DX. A public site. Login to post.
The ever popular WTFDA WLogger, our answer to the old TV-FM Skiplog. Real-time logging and commenting, for club members only.
The Official WTFDA Discord server for chat, uploading photos, etc. for club members only.
This is our new monthly WTFDA newsletter. You can read our monthly newsletter by logging in to the WTFDA website using credentials that we give you when you join. There is a new, informative issue at the beginning of each month. Try it!
By becoming a member, you’ll get access to our WLogger, a real-time prop logger, access to our WTFDA Forums, our brand new Discord server and our monthly WTFDA Newsletter. The newsletter replaces the paper VUDs and the pdf eVUDs of the past and offers a fresh, new way to get information from us to you. The newsletter contains the Mailbox column, DX reports (when in season), feature articles and links to online TV and FM news sources that you might have missed. We’ll give you a username and password when you join. Then we’ll send you an email when online issue is ready to read on our website. You log into the site and check it out. And remember that all of our giveaways and contests will be done in this part of the website reserved for WTFDA members only. If you’re looking to try to win free stuff, this is where you’ll want to be.
You can pay your joining fee by Paypal or by check or money order payable to WTFDA. When using Paypal, send your $10USD joining fee from the Paypal site to sales@wtfda.org or go to https://paypal.me/WTFDA.
Our mailing address is WTFDA, PO Box 501, Somersville, CT 06072.
We cannot process your membership without a valid email address (which is only used for correspondence from the club to you).
We will be in contact with you to confirm receipt of your dues.
We hope to hear from you soon!