The Quadrantids – Peak is January 4th

November Meteor Showers

During the month of September the WTFDA is giving away another great prize. This time it's a brand new FM antenna. We're giving away, to one lucky WTFDA member, a Stereo Probe 9 9-element FM fringe yagi from Sky Blue Antennas. This is the...

The Perseids Peaks August 13th
The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most prolific showers of the year, producing rich, bright streaks. The Perseids are active from mid-July until late August and will peak on the night of Aug. 12, before dawn on Aug. 13, 2024. Viewers...

SDR Console for FM DX – Mastering Meteor Scatter (Ep 6)
In this episode, I'll walk you through incorporating the knowledge from the first 5 videos into conquering one of the most challenging modes of DX - Meteor Scatter. We'll use tools and tricks including the Data File Analyzer, variable filters, RDS...

The WTFDA Summer ’24 GIVEAWAY!
***UPDATE*** Make that 'gaveaway'! Last night (6/28) we picked the winners. They are in Oklahoma and Alabama.***During the month of June, the WTFDA is giving away not one, but two XHDATA D109WB AM/FM/SW/LW/WB/Weather/Shortwave radios to two of our...
If you look closely you’ll find that we’ve now put a links tab on the main menu above. Take a look at the DX links there. Let us know if you have any favorite links that we should add. Thanks!
The Openradio Community
Everything about the TEF6686 radios from flashing your radio to setting up a Webserver. It’s all here including a portal to their Discord server.
It’s Back!
The Channel Master Stereo Probe 9 is back! The beloved Probe is now called the SBFM9 and manufactured by Sky Blue Antennas of Burnsville, Minnesota and sold by dealers across the upper midwest, northern New England, Houston and elsewhere. The SBFM9 is a nine element fringe yagi for the FM band. Buyers of this antenna are giving it a big ‘thumbs up’ for performance and build quality. Finally, DXers in North America have an FM fringe yagi built here in North America that doesn’t need to be shipped from across the Atlantic.
Brian Beezley’s specs on the Probe 9.
Thank You!
We’d like to thank Joel Rosenberg of Toronto for being so kind to send us paper copies of the 1971 and 1972 VUDs, plus a few other issues to make our collection as complete as it can possibly get (unless somebody has some 1968 issues stashed away somewhere). So, if you are a VUD collector, go get them in the VUD Archives.
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