These loggings were made by Larry Horlick, Coley’s Point, Newfoundland on the morning of June 23rd These are loggings most of us dream about. He does more than dream, he hears them. (Times are in UTC).

These loggings were made by Larry Horlick, Coley’s Point, Newfoundland on the morning of June 23rd These are loggings most of us dream about. He does more than dream, he hears them. (Times are in UTC).
I think this underscores the potential for 2xEs (double hop) on FM for anyone and from anywhere in the US, unless the end point of the second hop ends in the water, far from any populated land masses. When you live with a crowded FM band, it’s much more difficult to locate a potential target for double hop. The best targets may fall on frequencies already occupied by local signals. We have DXers living in parts of the US and Canada that have very few locals and a low noise floor on the FM band. They have the best situation to detect weak Es and double hop Es.