No Fun Being a Pirate Anymore

From the FCC April 25, 2023 For these folks, the party is over…or is it? The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau today issued sixteen warnings to landowners in the New York City/New Jersey metro area for apparently allowing illegal broadcasting from their property. The FCC...

FM Antennas?

One question we’ve been asked over and over again by DXers is where can they buy a decent FM yagi? And we answer them by telling them that for the past ten years or so it has been really difficult. The market just isn’t there anymore. Companies like...

Hello DXers!

You may have just stumbled upon this website for the first time. You may never even heard of us before, but we’ve been around for a long, long time. We’re the Worldwide TV-FM DX association but almost everyone calls us by our abbreviated name: namely, the...

SDR Software

Never used a SDR before? Here are some tips. We all have to start somewhere. I would venture a guess that all the ‘big guns’ of FM DXing began their DX careers using a portable or a car radio. Maybe later on they moved up to an FM tuner or an HD radio. And...