Find real-time 6 meter sporatic E anywhere in the world with this handy map. Sign up for sporadic E alerts from DX Maps sent to your email.
This map shows real-time radio propagation from stations operated near 144 MHz. It is useful for showing the presence, location and strength of tropo on FM and television.
Rabbitears map of TV autologger locations.
Find all stations on the channel of your choice plotted on a map of the North America. Includes US and Canadian TV.
FCC FM Query. Query the FCC databases for facilities info on US FM stations. This will also work for AM radio and TV queries.
FCCinfo.com. This is the Cavell Mertz & Assoc. site. Query their databases for facility info on US FM stations.
This page on Facebook has some of the most recent and up to date information on LPFM stations. The WTFDA FM Database uses this page for info on new LPFMs.
Database of HD radio stations, subchannels included. Not the most user friendly site but better than nothing.
Canadian radio station search. Search by callsign or by many other fields. A little slower than the US FCC query pages.
FM PI Code Allocations for full service FM stations and translators. The translator listing contains PI codes beginning with the letter “D”.
Instructions for creating your very own TEF6686 webservers on a windows computer.
This video shows you how to flash (update) your TEF6686 radio from v1.x to version 2.x. Not hard to do but takes a while. This is the video people use.